Tips to Keep Your Water Well System Happy
Disinfecting a Well
1. Remove the well cover. Pour the required amount of bleach as prescribed by Roarke Well Drilling, Inc.
2. Connect garden hose to an outside tap. Put the other end of the hose into the well, turn on the faucet, and from time to time move the hose so that the chlorinated water bathes the sidewalls of the well. Do this for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. You should bypass any filters, as they may clog.
3. After the minimum 4 hours of circulation, run all faucets in the house, one at a time, until you smell chlorine at each faucet. This ensures that the whole system gets disinfected. Hot, cold, inside and outside faucets
4. After circulating chlorinated water back into well for the four hours, (prefer overnight) shut off the faucet, remove the hose from well casing, and replace the well cap.
5. Don’t use the water for at least 12 hours. Forty-eight hours is optimal.
6. After a minimum of 12 hours, run the water to waste, but not into the septic system, for several hours, or until the chlorine smell and taste is gone.
7. To avoid over pumping a weak well or over-heating the pump, turn off the water when flow is at a trickle and wait at least 1 hour before resuming.
8. Test for bacteria after a week of use.
9. In some cases, one chlorination may not be sufficient. Repeat disinfecting procedure as needed.
Required amount of chlorine for average 6” well is 1 gallon for every 100 foot of water in well.
Checking the Captive Air Tank
1. Note your operating pressure of the well system. (pump on 30 psi / off 50 psi or on 40 psi / off 60 psi)
2. Turn off power to pump and drain the Captive Air Tank. (tank should feel light and wiggle easily)
3. With an accurate tire gauge, check the air in the tank at the tire valve. (Usually on top of tank)
4. Air pressure, when the tank is empty of water, should be two (2) psi less than the pump on psi setting. Ex. Pump running at 40/60 should have 38 psi of air in it.
5. If air pressure is lower or higher than the correct amount adjust accordingly.
6. When adding air, leave water drain open to allow water to be removed from the tank.
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Charles W. Crover